Don't want a gravel bike? Will you regret buying one? thumbnail

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Don't want a gravel bike? Will you regret buying one?

Gravel bikes are rapidly gaining popularity in the sports bicycle community, but some buyers say they don't need them and regret buying them. In this issue, we summarize why people say they don't need a gravel bike and how to enjoy such a gravel bike.

Modified at: 2023.7.6Posted at: 2023.1.13

Why people say “I don’t want a gravel bike”?

On the Internet and elsewhere, we hear people say that they don’t want a gravel bike or that they regret buying a gravel bike.

The reasons are different, but can be broadly summarized into the following two categories.

  1. Gravelbike are heavy to ride compared to road bikes
  2. they never ride on gravel

Gravel bikes are heavier to ride than road bikes.

As we have verified in the past, it is almost always true that gravel bikes are heavier than road bikes.

Gravel bikes inevitably weigh 1-2 kg more than road bikes in the same price range because they are equipped with heavy, thick tires and disc brakes.

However, gravel bikes are heavy mainly because of the tires, wheels, and other suspension components, which are almost the same as those of road bikes, so if you customize the suspension, you can enjoy riding like a road bike.

However, if you are looking for a lighter ride, it is certainly more satisfying to use an endurance road bike with bigger tires to handle gravel than to convert a gravel bike to look like a road bike.

No gravel riding

Gravel bikes were first sparked overseas, but the wilderness-like gravel enjoyed by overseas users is not so common in Japan.

Japan is a country where roads are so well developed that “90% of roads are paved,” which is great for everyday life, but it also means that it is difficult to find fun on gravel bikes.

This environmental aspect can easily lead to a situation where you buy a gravel bike, but you almost never ride gravel.

If you are likely to regret buying a gravel bike.

If you are not good at customizing your own bike

As we have seen, gravel bikes can be ridden like road bikes if they are equipped with lightweight tires and lightweight wheels.

However, replacing wheels and tires requires special tools, knowledge, and time.

If you are not willing or able to spend the time and money to customize your own bike, you may regret buying a gravel bike.

If you do all your cycling on your own

The first barrier to enjoying gravel on a gravel bike is that there is no gravel nearby. And even when you finally find one, it may be 50 km or more away from your home.

If you ride all by yourself, you will have to ride 50 km one way and 100 km round trip to enjoy gravel, which can be quite a difficult ride for beginners.

In such cases, it is popular to load the gravel bike into a car and go for a ride nearby, but not everyone has a car, and renting a car is costly.

Those who are accustomed to driving to their favorite route by car are fine, but those who say, “The ride is just all on my own,” may not enjoy gravel as much as they would in the environment.

If you are used to traveling by car to your favorite routes, this is fine, but if you ride only on your own, you may not be able to enjoy gravel as much as you would like to.

Gravel bikes can be considered “halfway” sport bikes

The reason why people say they don’t need a gravel bike and regret buying one is because gravel bikes are half-baked: they are not as fast as road bikes and not as strong on unpaved roads as MTBs.

However, the half-heartedness of gravel bikes can also be fun. If you interpret this half-heartedness in your own way, customize it, and change the parts to suit the route you are riding, a gravel bike can become a versatile sports bike.

In this sense, it may be said that whether or not you regret buying a gravel bike depends on whether or not you enjoy such half-heartedness.

Expand your gravel bike enjoyment!


What you need to know before buying a gravel bike

Gravel bikes are rapidly growing in popularity. But for those who are worried about buying one, with some people saying they regret buying one, we have compiled a list of things you should know before you buy.

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